LPL Newsletter 11/29/2021
What’s New?
- Friends of LPL Book Sale: Saturday, December 4th at 10:30am. The Friends of the Lewiston Public Library are excited to announce that they will be hosting a book sale! The event will be held in Callahan Hall and will run from 10:30am-3pm, preceded by the Friends annual meeting at 10am. There will be a large selection of fiction and nonfiction items for all ages including audiobooks, music CDs, and DVDs. All proceeds from sales and donations are used to fund library programs, special events, and purchases not covered by the annual budget. Payment must be in the form of cash or check only.
This Week at LPL
- Dinovember with LPL Kids: #Dinovember is over in just a couple of days, and the dinosaurs are fitting all the fun in that they can—from skate-boarding in the board books to trying to use staff computers to having a party to celebrate another fun Dinovember! We hope you enjoyed hanging out with them and we look forward to seeing what antics they get into next year!
- Virtual Storytime: Every Tuesday at 10:30am! Storytime is a fun, interactive activity for children ages 0-5 and their caregivers that helps introduce children to the world of books, learning, and the library. Early literacy concepts such as print awareness and phonics will be introduced to parents and children as we enjoy stories, songs, fingerplays, and more. Siblings are always welcome.
Check the full newsletter for additional information.
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