LPL Newsletter 08/15/2022

What’s New?
- Introducing Playaways, a new kind of audiobook experience for children! Our Playaway collection is filled with the stories your kids love on an audiobook player made just for them. No downloads or internet needed. Simply plug in headphones and press play.
- Books-A-Million Book Drive. Stop by Books-A-Million in the Auburn Mall before August 21st to support our book drive!
- Summer Reading is Over. Teens and Adults, be sure to turn in your reading logs by August 26th to be eligible for grand prizes! Children can still turn in reading logs until August 26th to get their free books.
This Week at LPL
- Balloon Bonanza, Thursday, August 18th at 4pm. Create a creature and take it for a ride in your very own helium “hot air” balloon. And all week long, come by the library to make your own spinning 3-D paper balloon.
- Teen Tabletop RPGs, Thursday, August 18th at 4pm. We are hosting a series of one-shot tabletop roleplaying games, in the teen lounge. Supplies will be provided – just bring yourself and your creative mind!
Next Week at LPL
- LPL at Back 2 School Event, Wednesday, August 24th at 3pm. Come visit our library table during the Back 2 School event happening at Kennedy Park! There will be lots of giveaways, food, and fun!
- Read ME Discussion of “Beneficence,” Wednesday, August 24th at 5:30pm. We will host a discussion of Meredith Hall’s novel Beneficence, the fiction selection for this year’s Read ME statewide summer reading program.
- Art Walk and Book Sale, Friday, August 26th at 5pm. The library is hosting artist, and local high school student, Nessa Sammuel as part of Art Walk. The Library will also hold a book sale benefiting the Friends of the Lewiston Public Library during Artwalk.
Check the full newsletter for additional information.
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