Great Falls Forum: Innovations in Housing panel discussion

This event is past.

  • Jan 25, 2018


The 2017-2018 season of the Great Falls Forum continues on Thursday, January 25th, with a panel discussion on “Innovations in Housing,” featuring Amy Cullen, Development Officer for the Szanton Company; Cullen Ryan, Executive Director of Community Housing of Maine; Craig Saddlemire, Cooperative Organizer for the Raise-Op Housing Cooperative; and Jeanee Wright of the Cooperative Development Institute. The discussion will be moderated by Shanna Cox, Founder and Principal Consultant at Project Tipping Point. The program will take place from 12 noon to 1 PM in Callahan Hall at the Lewiston Public Library.

In this Great Falls Forum panel, participants will share an overview of housing innovations at their organization. They will plan to discuss what is distinctive about their work as well as consider how the different models help create an ecosystem of housing innovation that can contribute to flourishing communities. A moderator will ask questions, followed by time for Q&A from the audience.

The Great Falls Forum is a monthly, brown-bag speaker series featuring statewide and regional leaders in public policy, business, academia and the arts. The programs are free, open to all and no reservations are required. Coffee, tea and bottled water are provided for a donation at the event. The Forum is a co-sponsorship of the Sun JournalBates College and LPL.

For more information, contact LPL Adult & Teen Services at (207) 513-3135 or