LPL Newsletter 06/27/2022

What’s New?
- Summer Reading Starts Today! — This year’s theme is Oceans of Possibilities, and the program will run from June 27 – August 13. All ages are using a bookmark reading log to track reading and activities for prizes. Visit our website for full details!
- Independence Day — The Library will be closed on Monday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.
This Week at LPL
- Summer Reading Kickoff Monday, June 27th at 6:00pm — Join your Lewiston and Auburn Librarians at Festival Plaza as they kick off their 2022 Summer Reading Program, “Oceans of Possibilities.” Details of upcoming summer programs will be available, along with music by local musician Justin Carver. Top It Fro Yo’s mobile cart will be on hand too, and vouchers will be available to the first 100 attendees for a free cup of frozen yogurt! In the event of rain, this event will take place in the Androscoggin Community Room at the Auburn Public Library.
- Lego Club! Wednesday, June 29th at 4:00pm — Lego Club is back! Come build with us in the Children’s department on Wednesdays. There will be optional themes and prompts, or simply build from your imagination. We supply the Legos, you supply the creativity! Ages 5-12. No sign-up required.
- Magician Phil Smith, Saturday, July 2nd at 11:00am — Get ready to be amazed in Phil Smith’s comedy magic show with juggling, storytelling, sleight-of-hand, mind reading, and the magical production of a rabbit! This magic show is free, open to the public, and no registration is required. For all ages. It will be taking place on the library’s 3rd floor in Callahan Hall.
Next Week at LPL
- Teen Tabletop RPGs Thursday, July 7th at 4:00pm — We are hosting a series of one-shot tabletop roleplaying games, in person in the teen lounge. Supplies will be provided – just bring yourself and your creative mind! No previous RPG experience is required. This program is intended for teens ages 13-19. The game we’ll be playing this time is Masks!
- Children’s Movie Matinee Saturday, July 9th at 11:00am — Beat the heat by attending a family-friendly movie matinee at the Lewiston Public Library. Children of all ages and their families are welcome. No registration required! The movie viewing will be on the big screen in Callahan Hall, located on the third floor of the library.
Check the full newsletter for additional information.
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