LPL Newsletter 07/11/2022

What’s New?
- This week’s Summer Reading theme is “Our Blue Planet.” Kids can make an adorable googly-eyed cloud craft any time in our children’s room this week, as well as participate in activities about our climate and weather.
- July is Disability Pride Month, an important time to honor the diversity and uniqueness of each person in the disability community and celebrate people who have disabilities. You can find a list of YA fiction, nonfiction, and graphic novels by and about disabled teens on our Pinterest page. We have a display featuring titles like these in our teen room, so come check them out!
- Summer Reading is for Everyone! This year’s theme is Oceans of Possibilities, and the program will run until August 13, with events and reading programs for children, teens, and adults.
This Week at LPL
- Maine Community Solar, Thursday, July 12th at 5:30pm. Covers what community solar is, how it works, and what the benefits are to Maine residents. Learn how the average citizen can take advantage to have a lower monthly electric bill.
- Read ME Book Discussion: “Sigh, Gone”, Wednesday, July 13th at 5:30pm. We will host a discussion of Phuc Tran’s coming-of-age memoir Sigh, Gone, the nonfiction selection for this year’s Read ME statewide summer reading program.
- Climate Clean Up with Ms. Alexis, Thursday, July 14th at 4pm. Come learn about the impact of pollution on our oceans with a series of hands-on activities!
- LPL at Community Giveback Day, Saturday, July 16th at 12pm. Community Giveback Day will include vendors, health and wellness information, screenings, employment opportunities, a kids pavilion, senior resources, free groceries, empowerment information, gift bags, giveaways and so much more! Free to all!
Next Week at LPL
- The First Amendment: 21st Century Edition, Monday, July 18th at 5:30pm. In the changing political and cultural climate, it is not always clear what actions and statements are protected and which are considered censorship, hate speech, or illegal gatherings and forms of redress.
- Mr. Drew and His Animals, Too, Wednesday, July 20th at 5:30pm. Join us at Kennedy Park to see the amazing Mr. Drew and several exotic reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates from around the world!
- Teen Tabletop RPGs, Thursday, July 7th at 4pm. We are hosting a series of one-shot tabletop roleplaying games, in the teen lounge. Supplies will be provided – just bring yourself and your creative mind! No previous RPG experience is required.
- Shark Attack! with Ms. Sara, Saturday, July 23 at 11am. Shark Attack is a fun-filled, fin-tastic program where we will learn about different sharks and their sizes, play a feed the shark game, create a shark origami bookmark, and enjoy a shark bait snack.
Check the full newsletter for additional information.
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