LPL Newsletter 07/25/2022

What’s New?
- This week’s Summer Reading theme is “Ocean Animals.” Kids can stop by our program room anytime this week to make an ocean-themed recycled paper bead craft and do other fun, ocean animal activities.
- Check the Newest Addition to Cloud Library. Access eBooks and eAudiobooks for free with your library card! We have a huge selection for instant download to e-Readers, computers, or your smart phone. Reading and listening online count toward your Summer Reading log!
- Summer Reading is for Everyone! This year’s theme is Oceans of Possibilities, and the program will run until August 13, with events and reading programs for children, teens, and adults.
This Week at LPL
- Great Tentacles! Cephalopod STEAM, Wednesday, July 27th at 4pm. Join Ms. Ivy for this fun, interactive program where we use games, crafts, and creative STEAM activities to learn all about the amazing cephalopods: octopus, squid, nautilus, and cuttlefish.
- Art Walk and Book Sale, Friday, July 29th at 5pm. The library is hosting local Fine Art Photographer Norma Warden as part of Art Walk. The Library will also hold a book sale benefiting the Friends of the Lewiston Public Library during Artwalk.
- Magnificent Monster Circus, Saturday, July 30th at 11am. Join us for a this colorful, silly, multi-sensory circus show full of friendly puppet monsters where kids can lend a hand to Eustice the Unicycling Unimonster, make friends with a Fiery Fanged Worm, cheer for Agnes the many-legged Acropod, and more.
Next Week at LPL
- Tidal Tours, Monday, August 1st at 10am. What’s that in the water? Join Ms. Alexis on a virtual tour of Maine’s tide pool ecosystems, debuting on the LPL YouTube channel and LPL Kids Facebook Page next week. Turn trash into treasure by making jellyfish out of egg cartons, yarn, and beads! Come by any time the first week of August in the Children’s Department.
- Boppa Chua, Tuesday, August 2nd at 5:30pm. New York Blues Hall of Fame inductee, Marc Black, will be our guide through an evening of song, storytelling, and laughter through these two historically defining decades.
- Teen Tabletop RPGs, Thursday, August 4th at 4pm. We are hosting a series of one-shot tabletop roleplaying games, in the teen lounge. Supplies will be provided – just bring yourself and your creative mind! No previous RPG experience is required. This program is intended for teens ages 13-19.
Check the full newsletter for additional information.
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