LPL Newsletter 3/24/2025

What’s New?
  • Registration Open! Great Falls Forum with Monica Wood, Thursday, April 24th at 12pm. One Writer’s Path: Libraries, Librarians, and the Power of Storytelling. Join Author Monica Wood as she discusses the impact of libraries in her own journey as a professional writer.
  • Community Puzzle Table. We’re excited to announce a new puzzle table on the Reference Floor. Whether you have a few minutes or a few hours to spare, we’d love your help putting pieces together! 
  • Amjambo Africa! Lewiston Public Library is happy to announce that we now carry the newspaper, Amjambo Africa! Amjambo Africa! is here to help New Mainers thrive and to help Maine welcome and benefit from our new neighbors.
This Week @ LPL
  • ArtVan, Wednesday, March 26th at 3:30pm. ArtVan is a mobile art program that brings hands-on creative art opportunities for self-expression, personal growth, and fun. All of their projects aim to inspire art-making with a variety of materials to explore.
Next Week @ LPL
  • Read and Create Silly Storybooks, Monday, March 31st at 11am. Come listen in on a silly story read-aloud and create your very own silly storybook using pictures and ad libs in a paper booklet. Get creative by filling in the blanks with silly words and illustrate your very own silly story. All materials are provided.
  • Teen & Friends Magic: the Gathering Club, Thursday, April 3rd at 3:30pm. Engage in all things Magic: the Gathering, from trading with other people to playing matches against others. Bring a friend and play against one another or other challengers. New players will be able to receive guidance on how to play and get a chance to receive their very own deck to keep and take home. The Magic: the Gathering club welcomes players of all skill levels.
  • March Madness with the Masons, all March. Deadline extended! This Masonic Lodge literacy program is for children in Lewiston and Auburn and will give away brand new bikes, Kindle Fire tablets, scooters and fishing kits.
Mark Your Calendar
  • Paint Night, Tuesday, April 15th at 4pm. Adults of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to join us at the library for an evening of watercolor painting.
  • Garden Party Murder Mystery, Saturday, April 26th at 5pm. Support the READy to Grow Campain to renovate LPL’s children’s department by attending this after-hours event, which includes dinner, a raffle, and a team based race to solve the fictional murder of Lily Pine, found dead at her grandmother’s annual garden party.
Check the full newsletter for additional information.

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See more in: News

Written on: Mar 24, 2025