Physical Accessibility
- Handicapped parking on Lisbon Street (the first parking space past our front door)
- Ground-floor entrance and elevators that allow access to every section of the library
- Twenty-four hour drive-through book drop in the alley off of Pine Street.
Visual Accessibility
- Microsoft windows accessibility software.
- Large Print Collection and Audiobooks.
Outreach Services to Homebound Lewiston Residents
- Delivery of regular print and large print books, audio books, music CDs and movies to Lewiston residents who are not physically able to come to the library due to illness or disability.
- Whether patrons are in their homes, senior housing, rehabilitation centers or other facilities the Outreach program provides them with a library experience.
- Items are delivered monthly by volunteers and selected by library staff based on individual patron interests.
- If you are interested in Outreach services please apply by calling 513-3134.
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