Art Collection Loan Policy
A. Criteria
Loans are approved to encourage a significant contribution to the field without risk to the objet d’art. In considering a loan the Library Director should recognize the potential for enhanced research and visibility of the object, as well as the possibility for a beneficial interchange with other institutions. Furthermore, loans may serve to develop new audiences for the Library. Loans from the collection are initiated by the Library Director, who forwards requests with his recommendation to the Board of Trustees for final determination.
B. Condition
The primary factor in the consideration of a loan is the condition of the object and its safety. Such consideration should include a review of the object and an analysis of its present stability by the Library Director, if in the Director’s opinion there has been any change since the last review. Consideration should be given to the anticipated changes in the integrity of the object that may occur as the result of packing, shipping, installation, and return of the object, which special attention given to the method and environment of transportation and the security of the object while on exhibit.
C. Responsibilities of the Borrowing Institution
Loan approval is contingent upon the borrowing institution providing a facilities report which records the institution’s policy regarding environmental controls, security systems, handling and installation expertise, and procedures for the care and preservation of the object. As a matter of policy, environmental conditions and security should not be less than those found at the Lewiston Public Library. The Library Director may, if he or she deems it necessary, contract for a professional evaluation of the borrowing institution’s facilities based upon its report.
D. Forms
The library director will sign and execute the Loan Agreement for all loans approved by the Board of Library Trustees. The Loan Agreement documents all information and specifics regarding the object, its transit, and its installation. Rights of reproduction, restrictions, fees, insurance value, and credit lines are also detailed.
E. Fees
All borrowers requesting a loan or loans from the Library may be charged a loan fee per object as determined by the Director with approval of the Board of Trustees. The Library Director may, if he or she deems it necessary, contract for a professional opinion on the fee to be charged for each object loaned. Loan fees collected will be placed in a restricted account for care of the collection or for additional acquisitions.
An alternative to a fee may be the requirement of a loan from the borrower to the Library of an object of at least like quality, significance and value. The Library Director is authorized to make such arrangements, subject to Board of Trustees approval.
The borrower is responsible for all costs for round trip shipping. (All packing and shipping of the object shall be done by a professional firm utilizing climate-controlled transport.) Costs for photography will also be paid by the borrower.
F. Insurance
Insurance coverage for loans from the collection is usually effected by the borrowing institution insuring the object in transit and installation. The borrower either waives subrogation or names the Library as an additional insured party. A certificate of insurance must be submitted to the Library Director before a loan may be consummated. An alternative method is also possible: The Library may insure the object and bill the borrowing institution for the premium.
Approved May 10, 1995
Amended Sept. 3, 2015
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