Circulation & Fines Policy
Circulation Policy
The Lewiston Public Library takes pride in offering a quality selection of new and classic books, music CDs, audiobooks, and both educational and entertainment movies. Our aim is to have the latest books on our shelves soon after publication. Library card-holders may place a hold or reserve on any item in the collection, and on most items in the multi-library consortium in which we participate. You may also request that new items be added to the collection. Reserves and requests can be placed in person, by telephone, or through our website.
Your library card must be presented each time you borrow material, and also is required to sign up for Internet computer use.
Books, magazines, music CDs, and educational or documentary films are loaned for a period of two weeks and may be renewed for as many as three two-week periods, unless a reserve request has been placed on an item.
Entertainment videos and DVDs are loaned for one week and may be renewed for a second week. Audiobooks on disc or cassette are loaned for two weeks, and they may be renewed up to three times.
You may renew books and other materials at the Circulation Department in person, by phone, or through our website.
A maximum of 30 items may be checked out on a card at any one time.
Fines & Fees
As of July 1, 2021, LPL no longer charges late fines for overdue items.
As a library cardholder, you are responsible for all materials borrowed on your card.
You must pay charges for lost or damaged books and other materials, even if you loaned your card or library items to another person. Failure to return materials or to pay charges of $5 or more will result in the suspension of borrowing and computer privileges, and may result in legal action taken by the City. A collection agency may also be utilized.
If your card is lost or stolen, notify the Library immediately to have your record blocked. Teens and adults may purchase a replacement card for $1, and a child’s replacement card costs $.50.
Research Fees
For requests outside our service area (which is Lewiston/Auburn), there is a research fee. $15 minimum per request covers the first 1/2 hour. For questions that take longer to answer, charges are $55/hour.
Non Resident Cards
To purchase a library card, the cost is as follows:
12 months: $60
6 months: $30
3 months: $15
A paid non-resident card may be used by an entire household.
The following patrons may receive FREE non-resident cards that may be used by their entire household:
- City of Lewiston Employees
- Lewiston non-resident taxpayers (own/rent a business or property)
- Auburn residents
- Auburn non-resident taxpayers (own/ rent a business or property)
- Minot residents (must open card at Auburn Public Library)
The following patrons may receive a FREE individual (not household) non-resident card:
- Lewiston Adult Ed students
- Literacy Volunteers Androscoggin (active volunteers)
- Bookreach & other LPL active volunteers
- Teachers & Students from any Lewiston or Auburn school or college
InterLibrary Loan
Requests fulfilled from within the state of Maine are free. Cardholders will be given at least 5 business days to pick up the item after being notified.
$10.00 will be charged for each out-of-system request.
Other Interesting Pages
We have over 5000 titles to browse.
Newest Purchases: Entertainment Films & Non-Fiction Films
Complete listings of DVD/Blu-ray and VHS