Gifts Policy
The Lewiston Public Library welcomes all gifts which enhance the library’s collection or assist the library in meeting its stated goals and objectives. Due to the limited availability of City funds, donors have helped immeasurably to further the library program.
Gifts of books and other library materials will be accepted by the library provided that the donor realizes that the library will handle all gifts in a manner which best meets its stated purposes. The Materials Selection Committee will apply the same standards to gifts as are applied to potential library purchases when considering for inclusion in the collection. Any gift of library materials which does not meet the criteria established in the Materials Selection Policy will be disposed of at the discretion of the library director. (Gifts not added to the collection will be offered to a more appropriate library, sold at the library’s annual book sale, or otherwise discarded.)
Once accepted by the library’s Materials Selection Committee, all gifts will become the property of the library and are subject to the library’s collection and shelved in a manner which will make the best use of each item. Donors must also be aware that when gift materials no longer meet the materials selection criteria as stated in the library’s policy, the item will be removed from the collection.
The establishment of the gift’s value for tax purposes is a responsibility of the donor. The library is not able to make an appraisal because of its position as an interested party and also because of limited staff expertise in the bookselling field. A list of qualified appraisers will be provided upon request.
The Lewiston Public Library also welcomes monetary gifts, including securities. Any unspecified gift of money will be placed in the library’s Endowment Fund.
Donors may wish to give money to purchase particular materials or materials in a certain subject area. All such gifts are subject to the approval of the Materials Selection Committee as stated above. Once these materials are purchased and added to the collection they are subject to the library’s policies and procedures. (See the third paragraph of this policy.)
All monetary gifts shall be appropriately acknowledged in writing by the library director and records of these gifts shall be kept in the director’s office. Monetary gifts of $500 or more shall be reported to the library board for special recognition. Gifts of $1,000 or more shall also be recognized on a donor’s plaque in the library. The Board may grant additional recognition for major gifts, with details of size, location and manner of recognition at the Board’s sole discretion.
Any gift offered to the Lewiston Public Library other than those covered by this policy must be approved individually by the library’s Board of Trustees.
Adopted 5/29/84
Amended 7/25/84
Amended 7/16/97
Amended 2/9/2000.
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