Program Policy
Adopted: March 3, 2022
I. Mission
The Mission Statement of the Library is: “Preserving our history, connecting our community, and enriching the life of the mind.” The Library’s programs promote and complement the Library’s other services and collections. The Library Program Policy is guided by this Mission Statement.
II. Purpose
The purpose of this Program Policy is to guide Library staff in developing the Library’s programs and events for all ages, and to inform the public about the principles upon which programming decisions are made. This Policy was developed by Library staff and was adopted by the Board of Library Trustees.
III. Intellectual Freedom
The Library Trustees supports intellectual freedom and subscribes to the Library Bill of Rights and its interpretive statements, including “Library-Initiated Programs and Displays as a Resource: An Interpretation of the Library Bill of Rights” (2019) by the American Library Association.
The Board recognizes that the spirit and letter of this policy allows potentially controversial
programs to be planned and allowed. The Library will not automatically exclude or cancel a program because one or more persons may take issue with the topic or presenter(s) included. However, any Lewiston resident or taxpayer has the right to question the Library’s decision to host a program as outlined in section VII, this policy.
Library sponsorship of a program does not constitute an endorsement by the Library or City of Lewiston of viewpoints expressed by participants or presenters in the program
IV. General Guidelines
A library program is an event planned by library staff for library users. Programs may be virtual or in-person, and occur in the library building or offsite. The Library may co-sponsor programming with other organizations, individuals, and educational institutions capitalizing on their existing knowledge and expertise when they are compatible with the Library’s mission. Co-sponsorship will be clearly indicated in the program description. (see section IIC, Lewiston Public Library Meeting Room Policy).
Other use of the library’s public meeting rooms by an outside organization or individual for public or private events not co-sponsored by the Library is not a library program and must follow the guidelines set out in the Lewiston Public Library Meeting Room Policy.
The Library reserves the right to cancel programs as deemed necessary and will make every effort to notify the public in advance. Programs scheduled on a day when the Library is closed due to inclement weather are automatically cancelled. Rescheduling is at the discretion of the library staff.
Attendees of all ages are expected to abide by the Lewiston Public Library Patron Rules of Conduct. Staff recognize that children may sometimes have difficulty behaving appropriately during a program. Caregivers will be asked to calm the child and/or leave the room briefly until the child is no longer disruptive. Adult attendees violating the Rules of Conduct may be asked to leave the program or the Library.
V. Age Limits for Programs
The Library may set age limits or other guidelines for participation in a program when the program is designed and best suited for a particular audience. These age limits will be noted in the program description.
Youth programs are offered to children and their caregivers for specific age groups listed in the program’s description. Older siblings are welcome unless otherwise indicated. Adults are not permitted in designated children’s programs unless they are accompanying children or are adult observers who have secured approval from the Children’s Librarian in advance. Adult observers may include educators, students, and other community members who work with youth. This approval is not guaranteed and is at the discretion of the Children’s Librarian.
Teen programs are offered for the specific age groups listed in the program’s description. To ensure that programs are safe and meet the unique socioemotional needs of teens, adults and younger children are not permitted in the room during a teen program unless the supervising librarian has made an exception due to special circumstances, such as a participant who needs caregiver assistance. Parents and/or guardians are welcome to observe from outside of the room. These and other adult observers will need to secure approval from the supervising librarian in advance.
Adult programs are for adults aged 18 and older, unless otherwise indicated in the program’s
description. Adults are permitted to bring children under the age listed, understanding that it is the responsibility of guardians to determine whether the content of a program is appropriate for the children.
VI. Sale of Materials
Presenters at library-sponsored events may sell items related to the content of the program (such as books, CDs, or art) when these materials are consistent with the Library’s mission. Sales logistics are the responsibility of the presenter, and all sales must be approved in advance by the staff member coordinating the program.
VII. Attendance Limits
Library staff may limit program attendance for reasons such as budgetary constraints, room
capacity, or safety. When limits are established, advance registration will be advertised to the public and accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
If program attendance unexpectedly exceeds a room’s posted capacity as established by the fire code, additional attendees will not be allowed to join. The staff member overseeing the program will make the determination that capacity has been reached.
Organized groups wishing to attend a program should notify the Library in advance to ensure that space is available.
VIII. Requests for Reconsideration of Library Programs
If a Lewiston resident or taxpayer wishes to express opinions or concerns about an upcoming program, they should complete in full a Request for Reconsideration of Library Program form. This form must be submitted at least 14 days before the program in question.
Library staff directly involved in the coordination of the program will address the concern. If the issue is not resolved, the request may be appealed to the Library Director, who will present the request to the Library Trustees for consideration at their next scheduled public meeting. The decision of the Board is final.
IX. Evaluation of Programs and Policy
Library staff will collect statistics and regularly evaluate programs and services to make sure the needs of the Lewiston community are being met within staff and budget limitations.
This Program Policy should be periodically reviewed by the Board of Library Trustees and the Library staff at a minimum of once every five years.
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