Test Proctoring Policy
Students must contact the Adult Services Department in advance to book an appointment. Proctoring services will be provided during regular Library hours only.
The following fees will apply for each test administered:
- Cardholders holding an active Lewiston/Auburn library card: $5
- Non-Cardholders: $20
Fees must be paid in advance of testing.
Patrons who must use a Library computer for an online test will need to reserve a study room if the test duration exceeds 1 hour. LPL cannot proctor online exams that require installation of special software or modification of existing computer settings.
The Library will meet the proctoring requirements of the testing institution wherever possible; however, the Library cannot provide direct in-room supervision of the student during the test.
Library staff must receive the following information before a test is administered:
- student name, email, phone number
- name of institution and contact name, email, phone
As a courtesy, the Library will attempt to notify the student whenever a test is received.
Tests can be received or returned through the mail, by e-mail or by fax. Student or institution should provide postage-paid mailing envelope if tests are to be returned by mail. The Library can also receive tests from delivery services such as Fed Ex or UPS but cannot be returned in this manner. The Library will not incur any expense for the sending or shipping of tests.
It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the institution to ascertain that the test was received by them. The Library will not keep copies of test materials unless specifically asked to do so by an institution.
For more information or to make an appointment for proctoring, contact the Adult Services Department.
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