Friends of the Library Annual Meeting: “Thorncrag – A Celebration of its 100-year History”

This event is past.

  • Nov 16, 2022

Icon for Friends Annual Meeting in Nov.

On Wednesday, November 16th, join the Friends of the Lewiston Public Library for a talk featuring Jeri Maurer, Volunteer President of the Board of Directors of the Stanton Bird Club, for a talk entitled, “Thorncrag – A Celebration of Its 100-Year History.” This free, public program will take place in Callahan Hall at the Lewiston Public Library. The Friends business meeting is open to the public and will start at 5:30 PM, followed by the talk at 6:00 PM.

In celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Thorncrag Nature Sanctuary, this talk will provide an overview of the history of Thorncrag from its early days. Who was Stanton? Why was the Bird Club named after him?  Jeri will talk about the first gifts of land and why the donating family chose to give the land and what was stated in the original deed as the land was donated. The presentation will explore what the land looked like in those early days and the connections to Bates College, including an orientation activity for incoming students at Bates which occurred at Thorncrag. She will then move to present day and what the Stanton Bird Club is doing to continue the original mission of stewardship and education.

Jeri Maurer has been leading school tour groups as a volunteer guide at Thorncrag since the early 1990s. Having hiked in many national parks and reserve lands across the US and Canada, she retired in 2015 to focus on her passion for the outdoors and caring for the environment. This included taking on the role of volunteer president of the Stanton Bird Club after serving on its Board since the early 2000s.

Books about Thorncrag and the Stanton Book Club will be available for sale after the talk, and all proceeds will go towards maintaining Thorncrag. Cash or personal checks only.

The Lewiston Public Library is located downtown at 200 Lisbon Street at the corner of Pine Street. More information on this program is available by contacting the Lewiston Public Library at 513-3135 or

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