Great Falls Forum with Kevin Lewis of Community Health Options
Join us on Thurs., Sept. 17, at 12 noon in LPL’s Callahan Hall for Kevin Lewis, CEO, Community Health Options, speaking on “Moving Beyond Coverage Toward Reducing the Total Costs of Care: Reflections of a New Start Nonprofit Health Plan.”
Lewiston’s own Community Health Options is a Consumer Operated and Oriented Plan (CO-OP) that offers a variety of health insurance plans to individuals and groups. Formed as a result of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), CHO now provides insurance to over 70,000 members across Maine and New Hampshire.
Kevin will be reviewing the gains that have been made to date under the Affordable Care Act and will discuss the efforts currently underway to improve health care outcomes while also reducing the total costs of care. Prior to starting Health Options, Lewis was the CEO of the Maine Primary Care Association, the statewide organization of Federally Qualified Health Centers from 2002 to 2012. Kevin earned his Bachelor’s from Dartmouth College (1991), and a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of Michigan (1995).
The Great Falls Forum is a monthly, brown-bag speaker series featuring statewide and regional leaders in public policy, business, academia and the arts. The programs are free, open to all and no reservations are required. Coffee, tea and bottled water are provided for a donation at the event. The Forum is a co-sponsorship of the Sun Journal, Bates College and the Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce.
Click here for a 2015-2016 GFF Season Schedule. For more information, contact LPL Adult & Teen Services at (207) 513-3135 or