Introduction to Line Dancing Workshop

This event is past.

  • Apr 05, 2023

General Line Dancing Workshop Icon

The Lewiston Public Library will host an Introduction to Line Dancing Workshop on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 from 5 to 6pm in Callahan Hall. Come enjoy line dancing, no matter if you are a novice or a seasoned pro. This program is free and open to all age groups.

Come see if line dancing is for you. Students from our last Line Dancing Workshop in January are welcome to return for more skill building. Novices are welcome to come to try line dancing for the first time, and line dancing pros are welcome to come to learn some new dances. Line dancing is great exercise, fun, and anyone can do it!  Wear comfortable clothing and shoes with smooth soles for easiest movement. These dances combine elements of disco, traditional country-style line dance, Latin dance, ballroom and modern dance. No matter your dancing skills or experience there is something for everyone.

Elizabeth Richards has been teaching dancing since 1999.  As a Ballroom Dance instructor, she noticed that many people wanted to dance, but didn’t have a partner.  She started learning line dances using both country music and various ballroom rhythms, and began offering line dance classes about 15 years ago.  She currently teaches classes in Saco, Freeport, and Westbrook on a regular basis, as well as offering classes for special events.

The Lewiston Public Library is located downtown at 200 Lisbon Street at the corner of Pine Street and Lisbon Street. More information on Wednesday’s workshop is available by contacting the Lewiston Public Library at 513-3135 or

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