Genealogy Resources
Trying to track down branches of your family tree? Our local genealogy collection has many sources of information to help. The following are just some of the sources we offer. Please also see our Lewiston History resources. The Maine State Library also has a great collection of genealogical materials and services.
Materials (books & electronic files)
- Genealogy Reference Print Material: Listing of our in-house materials.
- City directories beginning in 1883. Available upon request at the Reference Desk. Our physical collection has a gap from 1897 to 1931. A number of the directories in this span are available on, accessible from within the library building.
- Cemetery records for 30 area cemeteries. List and map of Lewiston cemeteries. Here are the Maine Franco-American Genealogical Society’s cemetery records for the area.
- St. Peter and Paul Cemetery records: 1870 – 1992
- Riverside Cemetery records: 1805 – 1996
- Mt. Hope Cemetery records: 1884 – 1999
- 26 Smaller Area Cemeteries (dates vary)
- Lewiston Burials: 1922-1934 (city clerk’s records)
- Lisbon Burials includes:
- St. Cyril & Methodius
- St. Ann
- Mt. Calvary
- Maine Old Cemetery Association record for Kennebec County
- Marriage records
- St. Peter and Paul Marriages: 1869-1970
- Lisbon Marriages includes:
- St. Cyril & Methodious
- St. Ann
- Holy Family
- American-Canadian-Marriages: 1599-1984 14 Mb file
- Other records
- Lisbon Baptism records includes:
- St. Cyril & Methodius
- St. Ann
- Holy Family
- Androscoggin County Naturalization Records 1931-1944
- Ancestors of New England Families: Surname List; Marriages from Canadian Parishes with American Descendants
- Maine Genealogy: resource site for Maine residents
- National Archives: nationwide genealogical resource site
- Lisbon Baptism records includes:
Online Services
We offer (in-library use only) and Heritage Quest for online genealogy searches. Both are excellent and comprehensive resources. Learn more on the Genealogy Digital Services page.
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Lewiston History Resources
We have historical & genealogical resources on Lewiston, Androscoggin County, and Maine. The non-genealogical materials are detailed below; please...