The Franklin Company & Related Enterprises
A Guide to Their Records
Prepared by Christopher M. Beam, C.A, Director
The Edmund S. Muskie Archives, Bates College
February 1997 Preface
The Lewiston Public Library is proud to be the repository of the records of the Franklin Company. The company, and its predecessor, subsidiary, and related enterprises, have had a profound influence on the social and economic life of Lewiston and Auburn since the mid-19th century. For that reason, the business papers described in this Guide are a rich source of documentation on the history of the community, especially as the Twin Cities developed into a major metropolitan area in Maine and a manufacturing center of national significance.
Many people assisted in moving the records into the public domain. However, four individuals played key roles and deserve to be recognized. Stanley Sclar, current proprietor of Franklin Enterprises, generously donated the documents to the City of Lewiston. Rick LaChapelle, chair of the Lewiston Bicentennial Committee, recognized the value of the papers and worked to ensure their transfer to an institution where they can be made available to the general public. Archival consultant Peter J. Parker of the Inlook Group, North Hampton, New Hampshire, conducted a thorough appraisal and developed a detailed inventory of the collection; his work greatly facilitated its preparation for research and is the basis of this publication. Christopher M. Beam, director of The Edmund S. Muskie Archives at Bates College, supervised the processing of the records and wrote the Guide.
Bates College, founded just a year after the Franklin Company was organized, provided the facility and other forms of support that enabled the Muskie Archives staff to make the collection ready for public use.
Richard A. Speer
Director, Lewiston Public Library
February 20, 1997
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