Test Proctoring
Lewiston Public Library provides a test proctoring service according to the following guidelines:
- The service is provided by advance appointment only.
- Fees must be paid before the service is provided.
- The following fees will apply for each test proctored:
- For those holding a Lewiston/Auburn library card in good standing: $5
- For all others: $20
(For information on how to sign up for a library card, see here.)
Please note that Lewiston Public Library cannot:
- Provide direct in-room supervision of the student during the test.
- Proctor exams outside regular library hours.
- Proctor online exams that require installation of special software on our computers or modification of our computers’ existing settings.
- Incur charges to send a completed test or other materials back to the school.
Please also be aware:
- Most students will be required to take their exam in a public area adjacent to the Reference Desk where normal conversations are allowed. While staff will strive to maintain an environment reasonably conducive to test taking, silence is not guaranteed.
- Patrons who need to use a Library computer to take an online exam more than one hour long will need to take the exam in a Library study room. (Use of the room is included with the test proctoring fee, but the test will need to be scheduled when a study room is available.)
- As a courtesy, the Library will attempt to notify the student whenever a test is received.
- Tests can be received or returned by e-mail or through the U.S. Postal Service. (If a test is to be returned through the U.S. Postal Service, the student or institution must provide the Library with a postage-paid mailing envelope.)
- The Library can also receive tests from delivery services such as Fed Ex or UPS, but it cannot return tests using these services.
- It is the student’s responsibility to follow up with the testing institution to ascertain that they have received the completed exam. The Library will not do so, nor will it keep copies of test materials or completed exams unless specifically asked to do so by the institution.
To make an appointment to have a test proctored:
After reviewing the guidelines above, if you are interested in using our test proctoring service, please contact the Adult & Teen Services Desk (at 207-513-3135 or LPLReference@LewistonMaine.gov) with the following information:
- Your name, email address, and phone number
- If you are a current Lewiston or Auburn Library card holder (If so, please include your card number)
- The date and time you would like to take the test
- The amount of time allowed for the test
- Whether you will need to use a Library computer for the test
- The name of the testing institution
- The name, email address, and phone number of the contact person at the testing institution
To pay a test proctoring fee:
Test proctoring fees can be paid when you check in at the LPL Reference Desk on the Library’s second floor, just before taking your test.
They can also be paid in advance by:
- Calling us at (207) 513-3135 to make a credit card payment over the phone (There is a $1 fee for charges of up to $40 or a 2.5% fee for charges of $41 or more.)
- Mailing a personal check (payable to “Lewiston Public Library”) to:
Adult Services Department
Lewiston Public Library
200 Lisbon Street
Lewiston, Maine 04240
If you have questions or need more information about our test proctoring service, please contact the Adult & Teen Services Desk at (207) 513-3135 or LPLReference@LewistonMaine.gov.
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