LPL Newsletter 09/06/2022

What’s New?
- September is Library Card Sign-Up Month. A library card is one of the most cost-effective back-to-school supplies available! Start off the school year in the best possible way, by signing your child or teenager up for their free library card today!
- Teen Video Games, after school and Saturday afternoons. Teens 13-19 can choose from any of our in-house games to play solo or with friends.
This Week at LPL
- Baby Storytime, Tuesday, September 6th at 10:15am. Recommended for children ages 0 – 24 months old and their caregivers. Enjoy an interactive storytime with your baby that includes early literacy fun with books, songs, rhymes and body movement.
- Preschool Storytime, Tuesday, September 6th at 11:15am. Recommended for children ages 2 – 5 years old and their caregivers. Enjoy an interactive storytime for some fun with books, songs, and body movement while building early literacy skills.
- ArtVan, Wednesday, September 7th at 3:30pm. ArtVan is a mobile art program that brings hands-on creative art opportunities for self-expression, personal growth, and fun.
- Rhythm, Rhyme and Storytime, Saturday, September 10th at 11am. Dance, sing and play in this music and movement storytime. Rhythm movement creates the perfect opportunity for fun-filled learning as you watch your child develop their vocabulary, creative thinking and listening skills, as well as large and fine motor skills.
Next Week at LPL
- BIPOC Nonprofit & Business Mini Expo, Tuesday, September 13th at 5pm. The Third Place Inc. will host its first BIPOC Nonprofit & Business Mini Expo. This is an opportunity for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color to connect directly to organizations specifically designed to meet their cultural needs.
- Library After Dark: Board Game Night, Wednesday, September 14th at 5pm. Board game enthusiasts wanted! Whether you’re a seasoned veteran or new to the world of board games, stop by for old classics, new favorites, and a chance to meet like-minded people.
- Beautiful Blackbird Children’s Book Festival, Sunday, September 18th at 12pm. Join us in Kennedy Park for a full afternoon of events including read alouds with Malik Hall and Mana Abdi, back to school giveaways, art making and cutup poetry with ArtVan, an interactive Community Mural inspired by Ashley Bryan, and free lunch provided by Mogadishu Store.
Mark Your Calendar
- Speculative Fiction Book Group Fantasy Pick: Nettle & Bone, Thursday, September 22nd at 5:30pm. Go on an adventure with Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher, a fantasy novella about a young woman’s quest to kill the abusive prince who forced her sister into marriage.
Check the full newsletter for additional information.
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